Thursday, February 19, 2009

My favorite things

My favorite music would have to be either rock or pop. They have good beats, and there are so many good bands that play that type of music, like Bon Jovi, Nickelback, and many others. With rock, though, I don’t like really hard rock, like Metallica or a band like them. The bands I like would be Bon Jovi, Simple Plan, and Nickelback. Their songs have a good beat, and the songs seem to really tell a story really well. I really like listening to the music because the bands make a good effort to make great songs, and it really seems to have a big impact on the way they make music. The music also has a way of making the song stick in your head, because sometimes when I’m walking home from school, I’ll be humming a song that I know. Some of my other favorite music would be something that would have a good beat, and that you can relate to. The music from the movie Camp Rock, for example, has a good beat, and the songs were something that I could relate to, or say I know someone who has been there. Even sometimes, It’s just because it’s the kind of music that I listen to. I use this music in my daily life when I’m studying for tests sometimes, it helps me to think and study a little easier, or even sometimes before I leave for school, it helps me to get ready for the school day, and it helps me to think a little harder on assignments.

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