Friday, February 27, 2009

My Least Favorite Things

My least favorite music would have to be rap or techno, or just anything that really involves screaming or doesn’t have a good beat. Specifically, it would be bands/artists such as Ne-Yo, Kanye West, or other artists like them. They don’t usually have the good beats that I like, and it seems that sometimes the rappers will just rap about pointless stuff and sometimes you don’t even know what they’re saying. They don’t seem to make any sense sometimes, either, which is another reason why I don’t like this type of music. I don’t like consuming this music that much, but sometimes if my brother is listening to it, then I’ll put up with it, because usually a few of the songs aren’t as bad as others. Sometimes when I listen to that music, I’ll be humming it, but then I’d think to myself why am I humming it, and I’ll stop. I don’t use this music at all in my daily life, because it doesn’t help me at all with anything. It doesn’t help me study, and it doesn’t help me with anything else. There isn’t any music in these genres that really has a good beat, and it just seems like the artists just don’t really know what they’re saying sometimes. So, to conclude, the music that I really don’t like is techno, or rap, and for various reasons, but the one reason that ties it all together is just because it really isn’t my type of music.

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