Friday, March 6, 2009

Thoughts on Music Technology #1

My thoughts on Music Technology so far are that it’s definitely a fun course. You get to work with the PA equipment, do a blog, and more. It’s a really fun course, in my opinion. It even gives you some good experience with working with a band, so if I were to become a techie for Bon Jovi, for example, this course would really help me. The only thing that I’ve found challenging so far is remembering which microphones go where when we’re setting up for a band, but other than that, there’s nothing that’s been really challenging in the course so far. I think that the things that have been easy so far is actually setting up the PA equipment and managing the sound. It was a little hard for me at first, but as I did it more, it seemed to get easier and I remember it better. I’ve enjoyed just the whole experience of the course so far. You get the sense that you’re really helping out the music program in the school. There hasn’t been anything that I really didn’t enjoy. If there was one thing I wanted to see in the course, I think it would be a schedule for which student monitors the band each day, because I haven’t really done much with working the PA board yet, and that’s okay in a way, but I still would like to do some more work with it. So to wrap it up, there’s nothing else that I would have rather taken than Music Technology, because it’s just been really fun so far, and I really enjoy being a student in the class.

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