Monday, May 4, 2009

Response #1

I think that Mitchell did an okay job in his post Is Music the Career for Me? post. He made some good observations, and he kind of explained things in detail, but I think that he could have elaborated a bit more on some things, and make the entry longer. One example is when he says he doesn’t think he’s talented enough for it. He could have said something about why he doesn’t think he is talented enough, or just added more. Another example of this is when he says he could get his children into the music business. He could have said something about how he would do it, or why he would do it. I think if Mitchell took the time and used the word count on Word, then this entry would be longer, and he would probably get better marks on this post. Another thing I noticed when I read this post is that some parts of this post are centered and other parts are long lines. He could maybe use Word to fix that problem. Other than that, I think that Mitchell did a good job with this post. If he would have just elaborated a bit more on some things, and use a word count, it would have been better. If I were to give him a mark for this post, I’d give him a 6.5 out of 10, and for the reasons I mentioned earlier. Mitchell, if you’re reading this, then I think this entry just needs to be a little longer, and a bit more elaborate

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