Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Response 3

I think that Mitchell made some good observations in his first rant, but I think the same things that I’ve said about his other post still apply here. This post, when I checked, was pretty short. If he elaborated on some things, like he talks about how it gets under his skin when people call him a fag or loser because of the music he listens to, but if he just elaborated a bit more, then he’d get more words and marks. Another thing that I noticed when I read this post is that Mitchell doesn’t really say what the post is about. If he would have said something at the start of this post, or even put it in the title, then you’d have an easier time trying to figure out what his post is about. He does say some things that get you thinking, and it seems like he knew his topic, but again, it’s all about elaborating. So, to kind of wrap this up, I think that Mitchell needs to lengthen this post up, put in a title, or even just tell what the post is about, and maybe elaborate a bit more on some things. Other than that, he did a good job on this post, too. I’d give him a 7 out of 10 on this post.

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